DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.


- Data Collection System

- Spectrometer

- Cuvette

- Sensor extension cable

- Test tubes (6), large

- Test tube rack

- Graduated cylinder, 10-mL

- 0.1 M Iron(III) chloride (FeCl3), 10mL

- 0.1 M Copper(II) chloride (CuCl2), 10mL

- 0.1 M Cobalt (II) chloride (CoCl1), 10mL

- 0.1 M Nickel(II) chloride (NiCl2), 10mL

- 0.1 M Sodium chloride (NaCl), 10mL

- Color chart

- Wash bottle with distilled water

- Marking pen


1. Put Wavelength on the x-axis and Absorbance on the y-axis and start recording data

2. Measure the absorbance of the five solution by doing the following:

- Rinse the cuvette with a small portion of the first solution and fill the cuvette two-thirds full.

- Make sure the cuvette is clean and dry and place it into the spectrometer

- Dispose of the solution and rinse the cuvette thoroughly with water to avoid contamination

3. Stop recording data

4. Display all runs and print the graph

5. Save your experiment

6. Clean up according to your professor's instructions


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.