DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.


  • Data Collection System
  • Absolute Pressure Sensor with Quick Release, Connectors, and Plastic Tubing
  • Stainless Steel Temperature Sensor
  • Stand, with Clamp
  • Graduated Cylinder, 25-mL
  • Graduated Cylinder, 250-mL
  • Erlenmeyer Flask, 250-mL
  • Beaker, 1500-mL
  • Balance
  • 3 M HCl, 100 mL
  • Unknown Metal, 0.2g
  • Electrical Tape



  • Gathered all equipment and materials. Inspected all equipment for damage or contamination.
  • Set up Data Collection System, assembled GLX, pressure sensor, associated tubing, with stopper, and temperature sensor.
  • Measured the volume of the Erlenmeyer flask, by filling it with water, then pouring the contents into the graduated cylinder. Dried flask.
  • Wrapped the Erlenmeyer flask with the electrical tape.
  • Filled 1500-mL beaker with 1125 mL of water, and placed beneath stand. Placed temperature sensor in water bath.
  • Mounted the Erlenmeyer flask on the stand, ensuring that as much of it is immersed as possible within the bath.
  • Measured between 0.150 g and 0.180 g of the unknown metal.
  • Measured 20.0 mL of 3.0 M HCl, and placed it in the Erlenmeyer flask.
  • Covered with Stopper and associated tubing, then measured base atmospheric pressure.
  • Removed stopper, and added metal to Erlenmeyer flask. Resealed flask.
  • Measured the shift in pressure with the reaction, stopped measurements once pressure leveled off, then repeated the process three more times, for more accurate results.
  • Disposed of solutions in designated containers. Cleaned all glassware, set them to dry in their designated areas, and returned all equipment to its point of origin.
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.