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1)    Set up 6 test tubes on the test tube rack


2)    Set up the GLX and the Spectrometer by connecting them together and setting it to detect absorbance


3)    Pipet 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0mL of 0.40M copper II sulfate into test tubes 1-4


4)    Pipet 8.0, 6.0, 4.0, and 2.0mL of distilled water into test tubes 1-4 making sure that each test tube contains 10mL of solution


5)    Pipet 10mL of unknown solution into the “unknown” labeled test tube


6)    Thoroughly mix each solution with the stirring rod


7)    Poured the remaining CuSO4 into test tube 5 labeled as the “Stock” test tube


8)    Placed a couple drops of each solution into individual cuvettes


9)    Placed a couple drops of distilled water into a cuvette-this was used to reset the spectrometer after testing each solution


10)  Began Recording the absorbance of each solution by placing them of the spectrometer, making sure to reset it after each trial with the cuvette filled with distilled water.


11)  After recording cleaned up according to the teacher’s instructions

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.